Guitar Baroque Suite 1 no tab by Roncalli
Roncalli , Ludovico (March 6, 1654, Bergamo, Italy - 1713)
Baroque suite I by Ludovico Roncalli (1654–1713) arranged for classical Guitar solo. This is the first suite from the set of 9 suites published in 1692 by the name "Capricci armonici sopra la chitarra spagnola ("Harmonic caprices for the Spanish guitar").
Gavotta 1:00 min easy, 1 page
Sarabanda 1:27 min easy, 1 page
Preludio 1:00 min easy, 1 page
Gigue 1:25 min early intermediate, 1 page
Alemanda 1:35 min early intermediate, 1 page
Corrente 0:52 min early intermediate. 1 page
6 pages (5 pages guitar score 1 page cover)
This edition is with standard guitar notation and downloadable mp3 for audio help.
This edition has no added tablature and is intended to use by guitarists (teachers, students) who prefer the standard guitar notation