Magazine Musical Selected Early intermediate Piano
piano solo
Schmoll, Anton (17 August 1841 - 7 March 1925)
Magazine Musical Selected Early intermediate Piano Collection of selected melodious piano works,
Contains five works by A.Schmoll, Miller's song 2 pages 1:05 min, Tenderness 2 pages 1:40 min, The Hunting 2 pages 1:50, Scherzo 2 pages 1:20', The Gondolier 2 pages 2:10 min.
By Anton Schmoll 19th century.
Easy to early intermediate level, with some finger position suggestions and free downloadable mp3 for easier interpreting.
Magazine Musical Selected piano works by Anton Schmoll
piano solo
Schmoll, Anton (17 August 1841 - 7 March 1925)
Classical, Mazurka
Magazine Musical Selected piano works by Anton Schmoll Collection of selected melodious piano works.
Contains five works by A.Schmoll, Mazurka 2 pages 1:46 min, Scottish 2 pages 1:10 min, Polka 2 pages 1:14, Valse 2 pages 1:50', Galop 2 pages 1:20 min.
Easy level, with some finger position suggestions and free downloadable mp3 for easier interpreting.