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Easy short pieces for Classical Piano I
piano solo
Türk, Daniel Gottlob (10 August 1750 – 26 August 1813)
28 short pieces ranging from 8 to 28 measures for easy solo piano by the great D.G.Turk (1750-1813).
All mordents, trills etc have been transcribed with their equivalent notes.
19 pages. With some finger-position suggestions.
With downloadable mp3's (approx. 18 min) for audio help. Easy piano.
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Easy short pieces for Classical Piano II
piano solo
Türk, Daniel Gottlob (10 August 1750 – 26 August 1813)
21 short pieces for easy solo Piano by the great D.G.Turk (1750-1813).
All mordents, trills etc have been transcribed with their equivalent notes.
21 pages.
With downloadable mp3s (approx. 25 min) for audio help.
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