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Marie ah Marie
guitar solo
Capua, Eduardo Di (May 12, 1865 – October 3, 1917)
Marie ah Marie (Maria Mari) is a sweet neapolitan song by Eduardo Di Capua (March 12, 1865 – October 3, 1917).
The song has many recordings and arrangements by artists as Luciano Pavarotti, Dean Martin, Louis Prima and more.
For Guitar fingesrtyle.
With guitar standard notation and guitar tablature.
With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Early intermediate.
Pages: Four (4) pages.
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O Sole Mio
guitar solo
Capua, Eduardo Di (May 12, 1865 – October 3, 1917)
O Sole Mio is a Neapolitan song written in 1898 by Eduardo di Capua (1865 -1917). O sole mio translates literally as "my sunshine".
Here is an arrangement for Classical Guitar solo.
With standard notation and Tablature, with downloadable simple mp3 for audio help.
Easy to eraly Intermediate.
Two pages, 1:20 min.
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