Ballet by Michael Praetorious
guitar solo
Praetorius, Michael (28 September 1571 – 15 February 1621)
Ballet CCLXVIII, fromTerpsichore, a compendium of more than 300 instrumental dances published in 1612 by Michael Praetorius (probably 15 February 1571 15 February 1621) composer, organist, and music theorist.
For Guitar solo.
With some finger position suggestions. With standard notation and tablature.
With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Early intermediate to intermediate.
Pages: Two (2) pages music score.
Kemp's Jig renaissance Guitar
guitar solo
Kemp's Jig , a famous 17th century jig named after Will Kemp (17th century).
Guitar solo.
In drop D tuning (low E to D).
Easy to early intermediate Guitar. With standard notation and tablature (TAB).
With downloadable mp3 for audio help.
Pages: Two pages (2).
My Lady Hunsdon's Allemande no tab
guitar solo
Dowland, John (c. 1563 – 20 February 1626)
My Lady Hunsdon's allemande, by John Dowland (1563 – 1626) English Renaissance composer, lutenist, and singer.
For Guitar solo. With finger position suggestions.
With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Early intermediate to intermediate, 1:30' min.
Pages: Two (2) pages.
This edition is with standard guitar notation and downloadable mp3 for audio help.
This edition has no added tablature and is intended to use by guitarists (teachers, students) who prefer the standard guitar notation.
Ricercare guitar solo no tab
guitar solo
Milano, Francesco Canova da (18 August 1497 – 2 January 1543)
Francesco Canova da Milano (also known as Il divino) (18 August 1497 – 2 January 1543) was an Italian lutenist and composer.
A ricercar is a type of late Renaissance and early Baroque instrumental composition. The term means to search out, and many ricercars serve a preludial function to "search out" the key or mode of a piece.
For Guitar solo. With finger position suggestions.
With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Early intermediate, 1:30' min.
Pages: Two (2) pages.
This edition is with standard guitar notation and downloadable mp3 for audio help.
This edition has no added tablature and is intended to use by guitarists (teachers, students) who prefer the standard guitar notation.
Medieval And Renaissance Guitar
guitar solo
Sanz, Gaspar (Francisco Bartolomé Sanz Celma (1640 – 1710))
A collection of Gaspar Sanz (Francisco Bartolome Sanz Celma 1640-1710) works for Easy to Intermediate Guitar solo.
Ten (10) pages Guitar solo score, with standard notation and Tablature, with some finger position suggestions, with downloadable simple mp3 for audio help, 8:45' min, Easy to Intermediate.
(1) Mariona (2) Dance de las Hachas (3) Espanoleta (4) Pavana (5) Gallarda (6) Villano (7) Iorneo (8) Batalla
(9) Spanish Dance (10) Canarios.