Gigue by Jean Baptiste guitar solo
guitar solo
Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste (18 November 1680 – 19 July 1730)
Gigue en Mi by Jean-Baptiste Loeillet of London (18 November 1680 19 July 1730, baroque composer and performer on the recorder, flute, oboe, and harpsichord).
Guitar solo. Early Intermediate to Intermediate.
With standard notation and tablature. With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Pages: Five (5) pages, 3:15' min.
Jean Baptiste Loeillet baroque guitar
guitar solo
Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste (18 November 1680 – 19 July 1730)
Jean-Baptiste Loeillet of London (18 November 1680 19 July 1730) was a baroque composer and performer on the recorder, flute, oboe, and harpsichord.
(1) Gigue - Early Intermediate to Intermediate, five (5) pages, 3:15' min.
(2) Minuet - Early Intermediate, two (2) pages, 1:50' min.
(3) Aria - Early Intermediate, two (2) pages, 1:10' min.
Classical Guitar Solo.
With standard notation and tablature. With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Pages: 10 pages (1 page cover, 9 pages score)
Minuet by Jean Baptiste guitar solo
guitar solo
Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste (1680-1730)
Minuet by Jean-Baptiste Loeillet of London (18 November 1680 19 July 1730, baroque composer and performer on the recorder, flute, oboe, and harpsichord).
Guitar solo. Early Intermediate.
With standard notation and tablature. With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Pages: Two (2) pages, 1:50' min.