Guitar Baroque Suite 1 by Roncalii
guitar solo
Roncalli , Ludovico (March 6, 1654, Bergamo, Italy - 1713)
Baroque suite I by Ludovico Roncalli (1654–1713) arranged for classical Guitar solo.
This is the first suite from the set of 9 suites published in 1692 by the name "Capricci armonici sopra la chitarra spagnola ("Harmonic caprices for the Spanish guitar").
Gavotta 1:00 min easy, 1 page
Sarabanda 1:27 min easy, 1 page
Preludio 1:00 min easy, 2 pages
Gigue 1:25 min early intermediate, 2 pages
Alemanda 1:35 min early intermediate, 2 pages
Corrente 0:52 min early intermediate. 2 pages
11 pages (10 pages guitar score 1 page cover)
This edition is with standard guitar notation and tablature and downloadable mp3 for audio help.
Captain Magan
guitar solo
Carolan, Turlough (1670 - March 25, 1738)
Turlough O'Carolan, (Irish: Toirdhealbhach Ó Cearbhalláin) (1670 – 25 March 1738) was a blind Celtic harper, composer and singer in Ireland whose great fame is due to his gift for melodic composition.
Captain Magan by Turlough O'Carolan.
For Guitar solo. Early intermediate.
With tablature.
With finger position suggestions.
With simple downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Pages : Two (2) pages, 1:25' min.
Ode to Whiskey
guitar solo
Carolan, Turlough (1670 - March 25, 1738)
Ode to Whiskey by Turlough O Carolan (1670 – 25 March 1738) the great Celtic harper, composer and singer.
Guitar solo. Easy to Early intermediate.
Guitar with standard notation and tablature and with finger position suggestions.
With downloadable mp3 just for audio help.
Pages : Two (2) pages.
Bourlesca in A minor
guitar solo
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (22 November 1710 – 1 July 1784)
Bourlesca in A minor from 18 Pieces for Musical Clock. Pieces for a music-box based on the musical mechanism of a wall clock from the castle in Koethen. These pieces were formerly attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach as BWV Anh.133-150.
August Klughardt wrote in 1897 in the foreword to the volume in Breitkopf und Hartel: "His Highness the Duke Friedrich von Anhalt, my most gracious gentleman, owns an old magnificent wall clock (harp clock) with a musical mechanism, the charming tunes of which are original compositions by Seb. Bach from the period 1717-1723, when he was in the service of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cothen." so it is said in oral traditions.
According to E. Simon they are from Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (22 November 1710-1 July 1784 - composer and performer, the second child and eldest son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach. Despite his acknowledged genius as an organist, improviser and composer, his income and employment were unstable and he died in poverty.)
For Guitar Solo. Early intermediate to Intermediate.
With standard notation and Tablature (TAB).
With finger position suggestions.
Pages : Two (2) pages, 1:40 min
Arioso Cantata BWV 156
guitar solo
Bach, Johann Sebastian (31 March 1685 – 28 July 1750)
J.S.Bach - Arioso from Cantata BWV 156 Simfonia (Adagio). Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe (I am standing with one foot in the grave), BWV 156, is a church cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Here is an arrangement for Guitar, with some finger position suggestions, tablature and mp3 for audio help.
Early intermediate.
Pages: 4 pages, 3' min.