Maple Leaf Rag
guitar solo
Joplin, Scott (November 24, 1868 – April 1, 1917)
Maple Leaf Rag is an early ragtime musical composition by Scott Joplin. It is one of the most famous of all ragtime pieces.
Guitar solo (fingerstyle) Classical or Acoustic.
Wiith standard notation and tablature. With downloadable mp3 for audio help.
Four pages, 4' min. Intermediate.
alco check :
The Entertainer Guitar solo : with SMP number S0.172675
Sunflower Slow Drag Guitar solo : with SMP number S0.329588
Maple Leaf Rag guitar ragtime fingerstyle : with SMP number S0.361879
Ragtime fingerstyle Guitar by Scott Joplin
guitar solo
Joplin, Scott (November 24, 1868 – April 1, 1917)
A set of three famous ragtime music compositions by Scott Joplin arranged for Guitar solo.
(1) The Entertainer 4 pages 4:20 min, (2) Maple Leaf Rag 4 pages 4' min, (3) Sunflower Slow Drag 5 pages 4:20 min.
For classical Guitar solo or acoustic Guitar (fingerstyle).
Wiith standard notation and tablature. With downloadable mp3 for audio help.
Total 13 pages, 12:40' min. Intermediate.
Sunflower Slow Drag
guitar solo
Joplin, Scott (November 24, 1868 – April 1, 1917) , Hayden, Scott (March 31, 1882 — September 16, 1915)
Sunflower Slow Drag, is a ragtime composition by Scott Joplin and Scott Hayden. It has been described as "full of gaiety and sunshine".
Here is an arrangement for Classical Guitar solo or fingerstyle guitar. With standard notation and Tablature, with downloadable simple mp3 for audio help.
Early intermediate. Five pages, 4:25' min.
The Easy Winners guitar ragtime fingerstyle
guitar solo
Joplin, Scott (1868-1917)
The Easy Winners is of the most popular ragtime works by Scott Joplin (1868 April 1, 1917) .
Guitar solo (fingerstyle) Classical or Acoustic.
With standard notation and tablature.
With downloadable mp3 for audio help.
Five (5) pages, 4:45' min. Intermediate to advanced intermediate.
alco check :
The Entertainer Guitar solo : with SMP number S0.172675.
Sunflower Slow Drag Guitar solo : with SMP number S0.329588
Maple Leaf Rag guitar ragtime fingerstyle : with SMP number S0.361879
The Entertainer
guitar solo
Joplin, Scott (November 24, 1868 – April 1, 1917)
The Entertainer is a 1902 classic rag written by Scott Joplin.
Here is an arrangement for Guitar solo.
With tablature.
With downloadable mp3 for audio help.
Four pages, early intermediate to intermediate, 4:20' min.
Tablature has the advantage of a very short learning curve and does not require extensive study to learn while the audio file makes the score interpreting even easier.